About Faculty

College Vision:

Work to prepare young Saudi women in accordance with the Kingdom's Vision 2030, to contribute towards meeting the labour requirements of the community. Encourage scientific research at various levels and undertake serious endeavors to fulfill the needs of the community and encourage active contribution to its service, and volunteer work.



Reaching academic distinction in various fields: health, scientific and literary. Work towards enhancing the effectiveness of scientific research, keep pace with the developments and provide tangible and impactful community services.



First: Knowledge:

1) Providing students with basic knowledge in their general subjects and specializations.

2) Giving the student the opportunity to get to know everything related to her specialization in the surrounding environment in particular, and on wider levels in general.

3) Linking specialized knowledge and its realistic applications.

Second: Perceptual Skills:

1) Providing students with the necessary skills for systematic scientific thinking.

2) Enhancing students' ability to think critically and form an independent vision.

3) Developing the competencies of the faculty scientifically, academically and administratively.

Third: Interpersonal skills and taking responsibility:

1) Providing students with the necessary skills to work in a team.

2) To cultivate the leadership qualities of female students.

3) Encouraging participation in the various forums within the university and outside.

4) Encouragement to engage in volunteer work and contribute to community service.

Fourth: Communication and information technology skills and numerical skills:

1) Providing various educational strategies that develop communication skills and dealing with modern technologies.

2) Raising the efficiency of using modern technological means in the learning process.

3) Encouraging scientific research and systematic publishing by making the most of modern methods and scientific techniques.

Fifth: Psychomotor skills:

1) Spreading Islamic values, etiquettes, and professional ethics.

2) Consolidating the concept of patriotism and sense of belonging to the country and appreciation for the leadership.

