In any educational institution, the College of Dentistry has always been unique in its particularity that stems from the many facets it overlooks the surrounding world, and the many balconies on which its objectives and aspirations embark. It is the body responsible for ensuring the quality of the educational system, which in turn produces competent dentists with well-established personalities to be future leaders in the field of health care. It is also the gate from which the University extends its hand to the community, providing high-quality oral health care services. Further, it is a scientific edifice that conducts scientific research in all fields of dental science.

College Vision

To be a leading dental college by providing outstanding education, research and community health care.


Achieve high-quality in academics, research and community services by applying distinctive dental education, adopting evidence-based practice and incorporating advanced technologies to graduate competent professionals who serve as leaders in their community.


College tasks

1: Improvement of the college infrastructure to ensure sustainable development.
2: Decentralization of decision-making to enhance the responsiveness and speed.
3: Developing formal job description and informal performance expectations of all college officials and staff.
4:Build a shared college culture through transparency and communication within the college hierarchy.
5: Obtain the academic accreditation of the college program from the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation (NCAAA).
6: Demand greater preparation and capabilities from incoming students and increase performance of existing students to attain a highly competitive graduate.
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electronic services

college departments

Department of Preventive Dental Sciences

Dental restoration department

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnostic Sciences

Department of Prosthetic Dental Sciences

Department Restorative Dental Sciences

Academic Departments Manual


اختتمت كلية طب الأسنان بجامعة جازان مساء يوم الخميس الموافق 31 / 3 / 2022 م فعاليات الأسبوع الخليجي الموحد لتعزيز صحة الفم والأسنان والذي تم تنفيذها على مدار يومين متتالين بمجمعي الراشد مول وكادي مول . ونفذ طلاب وطالبات الكلية البرنامج التوعوي تحت

01 Ramadan 1443

The conclusion of the Third Dental Convoy at Jazan University Jazan University: Media Department The number of beneficiaries of the College of Dentistry’s reached 11,996, after the conclusion of its third session. The Dean of the College of Dentistry

02 Ramadan 1442


College of Dentistry Announcement1

06 Safar 1443

College of Dentistry Announcement3

06 Safar 1443

College of Dentistry Announcement

06 Safar 1443

