College Deanship

Dr. Osman Mosa Hakami

Dean’s Message


In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

 Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, prayers and peace be upon the noble Prophet and Messenger Muhammad bin Abdullah, Peace be upon him and his family and companions.

I welcome visitors to the site of the College of Science – Jazan University. I hope that the visitor will find useful information about the college and its various departments. The decision to establish the college is part of the framework of the state’s interest in the basic sciences sector to cope with the remarkable development in the world in this field, which requires the education and training of cadres capable of fulfilling the comprehensive renaissance of all fields. The College of Science currently consists of four departments: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, as these disciplines are important pillars of the scientific renaissance in various fields.

The objectives of the College of Science are summarized in several points: education, scientific research, community service, and environmental preservation. When we provide the distinguished education service to our students, we strive to create interest in scientific research and its urgent need so that we can catch up with the developed nations.

In the midst of all this, we harness those sciences and research initiatives that serve our society and environment by applying the knowledge in different aspects of daily life, which is positively reflected in our society. The science department in its various departments is the first pillar of any targeted renaissance. It aims to be a training ground that would help to graduate a generation of scientists and researchers who shall be expected to elevate our nation up to the ranks of developed countries. It is noteworthy that the tremendous technological progress that the world is witnessing today is a combination of the efforts and research of scientists in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Therefore, science faculties will remain the true nucleus of any scientific progress or cultural renaissance and technological development.

Therefore, this is an invitation to the visitors of this site, and the prospective students that shall be joining the university – God willing – to read well about the College of Science and its departments and specialties and may you become one of the scientists of the future.

Deanship goals

  • Meeting the Kingdom's needs of qualified national cadres in the fields of basic sciences and their applications.
    Meeting the Kingdom's needs for various scientific and applied research and studies.
    Contribute to the Arabization of science through authorship, translation, and publication, to contribute to the transfer of technology through Arabization.
    Providing scientific and technical services in various scientific fields.

Deanship tasks

The Deanship of the College manages the academic, administrative, and financial affairs of the College within the limits of the Higher Education Council system. The Deanship of the College also assumes the presidency of the College Council.
