Head of Department

Head of Department Message

Praise be to Allah, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions, and those who followed him:

The Islamic Studies Unit is a pioneering and distinguished unit in providing knowledge of Sharia science to society according to a curriculum that combines the constants of religion and the developments of the times. The unit includes a group of male and female faculty members who supervise the teaching of specialized subjects for the Faculty of Sharia and Law, as well as general preparation courses for the rest of the University’s faculties and majors.

 The unit aims, through its professors and all those affiliated with it, to prepare the student and educate them with the values ​​of Islam and its foundation rules, which strive to reform its society and fight deviant and radical ideas, and guide them to the approach of moderation and tolerance, which this blessed country follows under the guidance of its wise leadership.

The message of the unit that it is keen to achieve, is to present the teachings of Islam based on facilitation, moderation, and tolerance, and to build young people whose ideas are derived from the tolerant values ​​of Islam, and away from extremism, through a group of capable male and female faculty members.

We welcome all visitors to the site all male and female visitors, and we say to them: May God bless you and welcome you to Faculty of Sharia, and bless you with useful knowledge, and guide you to the good of this world and the Hereafter. I recommend to you the advice of Abu Hilal Al-Hassan bin Abdullah Al-Askari in his book (urging to seek knowledge and diligence in collecting it) where he said:

So if you, O brother, wish for the loftiness of destiny, the intelligence of remembrance, and the elevation of status among creation, and you seek a glory that is not blemished by nights and days, and eons and years do not diminish, prestige without authority, riches without money, strength without weapons, exaltation without a clan, helpers without pay, and soldiers Without a divan and an imposition, then you have knowledge, so seek it in its circumstances, the benefits come to you spontaneously, and receive what depends from it in ranks, and strive to collect it for a few nights, then taste the sweetness of dignity for the duration of your life, and enjoy the pleasure of honor in it for the rest of your days, and anticipate for yourself the remembrance of it after your death.

And God is behind the intent, and He is the Guide to the straight path, and prayers and peace be upon the best of the prophets and messengers, our master Muhammad and his family and companions.


Dr. Ali Bin Mohammad Bin Hassam Zamal AlAteef

Head of Department, General Courses Unit


Means of Communication


Aalateef @jazanu.edu.sa

Telephone : 0173295592


Geographic Location:

College of Sharia and Law- Jazan University

Abu Arish- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Visiting Hours:

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

From 8-1 pm

Curriculum Vitae

