What & Why Electrical Engineering

1. Global Career Opportunities:

Can you imagine a world without the use of electricity? Electricity is undoubtedly one of the best inventions of humankind, and it is now almost impossible to spend even a few hours without using electricity. 

But electricity does more than lighting the world up at night. If you look around you, night or day, you will find little that functions without electricity. Just imagine what life would be without it! Electricity is, therefore, a very serious business that a lot of people depend on in their livelihood. Because of this importance, it requires care and dedication in producing it, distributing it, and using it in the many devices and machines that surround this. This care and dedication are what Electrical Engineering (EE) is all about.




As an Electrical Engineer, there are many things that you can get involved in. For example, if you are interested in learning about how electricity is generated and distributed, you would specialize in a branch of EE called Power. In the Kingdom, much of the electricity is produced using oil. Because of oil's scarcity, engineers are always trying to find better ways to utilize it, in addition to finding ways to substitute solar, wind, or hydropower. Once electricity arrives at our homes and offices, there are many ways it can be used. Appliances at home, for example, such as the TV, the DVD, the gaming console, the PC, the washing machine, the fridge, and many others all depend on electricity. But how do they actually work? Very often, these appliances depend on very small components called chips that take care of their operation. Studying how these chips, which can hold more than 2.6 billion components, are designed and manufactured can be found in the Electronics branch. But electronics is about more than chips.. There are two other branches in EE: Communications and Control. More than ever, communications are playing a great role in our lives, starting from enabling you to make simple voice and video calls with anybody in this world, to making it possible to deliver news and to trade across very long distances.  As for the Control branch, this is where you get to know how many things such as robots and smart buildings and cars keep working efficiently. Robots around the world are involved in many aspects from building cars and operating storage warehouses, to helping out in difficult medical surgeries. Robots have also traveled very far (all the way to Mars), going where it can be difficult or dangerous for humans to go. Smart buildings use the control, too. Using sensors, a building can automatically adjust room temperatures, monitor water, and electricity usage, and warn in case of fire or smoke. Cars, too, have now more intelligence than ever, with some cars having almost 300 sensors, all being used to give you a safer and more pleasurable driving experience.






Electrical engineering is a promising career option for young professionals as there are literally thousands of job opportunities available in the field. You can literally work in any field that uses electricity, right from government organizations like Aramco, SCECO, SABIC, Inara, and STC to private multinationals such as BAE, Boeing, Schneider, Schlumberger, Siemens, and Telus. Here, at Jazan University, we have a world-class EE program that helps prepare you for the international job market, and that makes you able to take part in powering up the world.

