About the Department

Department Vision

The Department of Psychology seeks to harness leadership and promote excellence in consolidating psychological and educational knowledge and its applications through the planning and development of academic and research programs.


Preparing distinguished competencies in theory and practicals in the fields of psychology, psychological and educational counseling, and scientific research to contribute effectively to community service.


The department aims, through its programs, to achieve the following goals:

– Providing students with the necessary psychological knowledge necessary for them in their practical life.
– Preparing educational psychologists to work in schools, educational institutions, and institutions that provide services in the psychological and social services field and caring for people with special needs
– Providing students with theoretical and practical aspects of various aspects of learning and psychological counseling.
The department awards a higher diploma in educational assessment and evaluation, and a master’s in psychological counseling.
– Disseminating contemporary psychological thinking and modern psychological experiences to serve the advancement of the teaching and learning process.
– Providing specialized consultations in the fields in which the department exercises its activities for government and private agencies, and the department members give public lectures on being invited from various bodies.
– Developing methods of assessment and evaluation and making and building psychological and aptitude tests at the university.
– Developing research and counseling services so that the department becomes a center of excellence among the departments of psychology locally and internationally.

