About the Center

Vision of the center

To make the Medical Research Center at Jazan University a leading and distinguished center in medical research at the national and international levels.


The Medical Research Center at Jazan University is committed to providing distinguished research activities in the medical fields according to the highest international standards, providing a research environment that stimulates creativity and innovation in the light of scientific research ethics, and building local and global research partnerships to serve the community and humanity.

Objectives of the center

1. That the Medical Research Center be a pioneer in the field of medical science research locally and internationally.
2. Supporting medical research and innovation to attract internal investments and add economic value in order to enhance the concept of commercial medical work.
3. Improving medical research by providing an institutional environment to stimulate and enhance new medical knowledge that can be incorporated into clinical application systems and early detection of epidemics.
4. Contribute to strengthening the scientific position of Jazan University and bringing it to the level of international competitiveness by enhancing the quality of medical research projects with tangible health benefits.
5. Facilitate research cooperation between research groups, medical colleges and departments, and basic medical research scientists.
